Important Notice Regarding CPE Credit

CPE self-study product descriptions make references to CPE Credit. These credits are based on a 50-minute hour. To better understand how to report your CPE credit, please read the information below carefully.

CPE Requirements for CPAs
CPE standards for Certified Public Accountants (CPA) are established jointly by the AICPA and NASBA (the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy). Before reporting credit, CPAs are advised to contact their state boards or other entities to which they report to determine their specific requirements.

CPE Credit is calculated in accordance with current CPE standards. CPE credit is recommended based on the results of the NASBA word-count formula or pilot testing by CPAs. The runtime of a course (in minutes) or average minutes spent by pilot testers on a course are divided by 50 to arrive at the CPE credit. If your state board requires that credit for self-study courses be calculated based on a 50-minute hour, you would receive 10 credits for a course that averaged a completion time of 500 minutes.

A Note on CPE Course Content and “Interactivity”
In accordance with current CPE standards, all AICPA self-study courses elicit participant responses to test for understanding of the material, offer evaluative feedback to incorrect responses, and provide reinforcement feedback to correct responses. In this sense, they are considered “interactive.” In addition, all AICPA self-study courses meet the standards of interactivity as defined by many state boards.

CPE requirements vary from state to state. We advise CPAs to contact your state board for information concerning your state's specific requirements.

CPE Requirements for AICPA Members
From January 1, 2001 forward, and for each three-year reporting period thereafter, all AICPA members shall complete 120 hours or its equivalent of continuing professional education. Compliance can be achieved either by a formal program of education or by any other means, however measured, that would be reasonably expected to maintain professional competencies in the member's area of practice or employment. Members shall report compliance with such requirement to the AICPA each year by paying membership dues and shall keep appropriate records and submit copies of such on request of the Institute. Members who are retired, unemployed or who have temporarily left the workforce are exempt from the AICPA's CPE requirement. Members who place their license/certificate on inactive status with their state board of accountancy AND do not hold themselves out as CPAs are exempt from the AICPA's CPE requirement as long as their state board does not require CPE while on inactive status.

Any course in the store is eligible for fulfilling these AICPA CPE requirements.

CPE Requirements for the Yellow Book
The GAO's Yellow Book, Government Auditing Standards, lays down certain CPE requirements. Auditors performing work under GAGAS, including planning, directing, performing field work, or reporting on an audit or attestation engagement under GAGAS, need to maintain their professional competence through continuing professional education (CPE). Therefore, each auditor performing work under GAGAS should complete, every two years, at least 80 hours of CPE that directly enhance the auditor's professional proficiency to perform audits and/or attestation engagements. At least 24 of the 80 hours of CPE should be in subjects directly related to government auditing, the government environment, or the specific or unique environment in which the audited entity operates. At least 20 hours of the 80 should be completed in any one year of the two-year period. For details on the Yellow Book CPE requirements go to

To Obtain CPE Credit for Self-Study
To obtain CPE credit for an AICPA self-study course, an individual must complete and pass the self-study exam included with the course. With online grading you can save time and enjoy the convenience of real-time exam results and printable certificates of completion. Information on how to submit the self-study exam online is included with your course materials.

Please note that per CPE standards we cannot provide an answer sheet or correct answers to incorrectly marked questions.

CPE credit

Here are AICPA the sponsor numbers for the following CPE reporting jurisdictions:
National Registry: 141642
Illinois: 158-000880
New Jersey: 20CE00029900
Pennsylvania: PX-177106
Texas: 000215
All others: A-0001

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: